Muhame Giles

Hi, my name is Erik and I´m a history student for the University of Stockholm and I recently read about the articles in Rolling Stone magazine and I´m quite frankly very upset and saddened!
I have a few questions about it and would very much appreciate if you could manage to find the time to answer them, I would be very thankful...
1) Are you aware that human beings might get hurt because of what you are doing? That human rights will be violated? How do you respond to that?
2) Do you know anything at all about homosexuality? These people are just like you and me, many of the things you claim about them seems to me to be taken out of thin air! Do you honestly believe there is a correlation between homosexuality and sexual abuse against children? That one can be "recruited" to homosexuality? And what proof is there that these claims are true?
3) I´m pretty certain you are no idiot, so my third question: This is about readers, right? Selling copies of Rolling Stone? You have created an exceptionally good marketing strategy at the expense of a small group of people with limited political power, am I assuming correctly that this whas the idea all along?
Again, I would be very thankful if you could find the time to correspond with me as I am genuinly curious.
The gay community has suffered greatly through history and I always wonder why that is the case. Straight people also spread disease, molest children and sometimes do not choose to raise a family, so those arguments doesent really make a good explanation.
Do you have a comment on this?
Is it simply a question of faith? Some enterpret both the bible and the quran to express negative views of homosexuality, is that your motivation also?
with regards, respect and the hope for a constructive dialogue
Erik Billing
Läste det här och blev så upprörd att jag skrev följande brev till tidningens chefredaktör:
Hi, my name is Erik and I´m a history student for the University of Stockholm and I recently read about the articles in Rolling Stone magazine and I´m quite frankly very upset and saddened!
I have a few questions about it and would very much appreciate if you could manage to find the time to answer them, I would be very thankful...
1) Are you aware that human beings might get hurt because of what you are doing? That human rights will be violated? How do you respond to that?
2) Do you know anything at all about homosexuality? These people are just like you and me, many of the things you claim about them seems to me to be taken out of thin air! Do you honestly believe there is a correlation between homosexuality and sexual abuse against children? That one can be "recruited" to homosexuality? And what proof is there that these claims are true?
3) I´m pretty certain you are no idiot, so my third question: This is about readers, right? Selling copies of Rolling Stone? You have created an exceptionally good marketing strategy at the expense of a small group of people with limited political power, am I assuming correctly that this whas the idea all along?
Again, I would be very thankful if you could find the time to correspond with me as I am genuinly curious.
The gay community has suffered greatly through history and I always wonder why that is the case. Straight people also spread disease, molest children and sometimes do not choose to raise a family, so those arguments doesent really make a good explanation.
Do you have a comment on this?
Is it simply a question of faith? Some enterpret both the bible and the quran to express negative views of homosexuality, is that your motivation also?
with regards, respect and the hope for a constructive dialogue
Erik Billing
Om han svarar lägger jag ut det här också.

Postat av: Zara

Fan vad upprörd jag blir av artikeln! Detta förbannade och outtröttliga skapande av "vi" och "dom", som bara bygger på idiotiska och förlegade fördomar och påhittad normalitet! Det gör ont i mig att se hur människor blir uthängda (utan rimlig anledning) bara för att sälja en dum tidning. Ditt brev är skitbra Erik! Jag är grymt nyfiken på svaret...


2010-11-08 @ 09:25:36
Postat av: Slusk

Du tror han kommer svara när frågorna är så uppenbart vinklade av din vrede? Håll inte andan.

2010-11-08 @ 15:42:56
Postat av: Erik Billing

Jag såg när jag läste igenom att ja, det ser lite argt ut, men de är inte "vinklade av vrede", de är vinklade av uppfattningen att homofobi är dumt.

2010-11-08 @ 16:34:38
Postat av: Ingrid *

Heja Erik!

Du går din väg som du alltid gjort: tar parti för de utsatta och gör något! Fortsätt den vandringen.

2010-11-09 @ 12:15:36

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